
The Lucifer Esports revival! – LL Season 2 is coming up.

Dear Readers,

What we have been up to

We know… It’s been a little while since Lucifer Esports has organized any events like Lucifer League. Or even has done anything in the scene at all. But don’t worry, we didn’t forget about you guys. We have been creating an entire new management and staff over the last few months. And we’ve also brought back familiar faces like Synga and AmirZ. We have been planning this new season for months, and we feel it is finally time for us to step out of the shadows. And light the fire once more. It’s time for the Lucifer Esports revival.


The Lucifer Esports revival event

So hereby we are announcing Lucifer League – Season 2. The CSGO league will be running from the 1st of February till the 28th of February in 2021. It features two separate stages. The group stage and the playoffs stage. We have invested massively into getting the production value to where we want it to be, and I can promise you that it will blow your minds.
We’ve got a little sneak preview of it here:


What next

We will be releasing more information about Lucifer League – Season 2 as soon as we’ve made sure that everything is set and read to go. So make sure to follow our social media to stay up-to-date about the latest news around Lucifer League.

We recommend to people to join our Discord since most news about Lucifer League will be announced via Discord first and then to our other socials media.


Lucifer Esports Liquipedia page

We have seen the messages of teams and players requesting us to create a Liquipedia page for our future events. For this reason we have decided to actively create and update Liquipedia pages for every single event we organize. This includes our smaller events as well. Do know that it’s unlikely our smaller events will be approved.


Best Regards,

Nick van Raaij
CEO Lucifer Esports

The 4 teams heading for the csgo semifinals – Lucifer League Season 1

Lucifer League has been an amazing ride!

After a month of battling in the group stage and the quarter-finals of the Lucifer League it is finally time. Four teams that have shown their skill will be heading into the semi-finals starting tomorrow evening around 19.00 CET. It’s been a long ride and we are now getting close the end. This makes me happy, knowing that it has been an amazing season. But it also makes a little sad, knowing that it will be more then a month till the Lucifer Pro League. We do however have a qualifier for that league coming up at the end of February.

Here is a stream of in my opinion the most amazing game in the whole season.


A massive growth in Discord

Our Discord server started out with about 7 people in October. But since then it has grown insane amounts, now even having around 300+ members. I never expected us to grow so fast in such a short time. And I really hope we can keep this up in the future.

Technical difficulties

This first season of Lucifer League has been quite a though one for all admins involved. We knew we needed the best possible game experience for this league, but did not have any real experience in hosting large amounts of servers. Going from host to host caused a many great deal of problems. For this we are sorry, but it had to happen in order to improve our platform. We have now finally settled on using Dathost as our main hosting provider for now. And besides that we have finally perfected our game configs making it a more enjoyable and fair experience for teams participating in Lucifer.

The Lucifer League Semifinals

Tomorrow it will start. The first game of the semifinals will kick of at 19.00 CET on Twitch. Team Ares will be taking on Endangered Esports in what is likely going to be very exciting BO3 series. This game will decided who will be the first team in the grand finals. The other two teams participating in the semifinals are Eyeshield Challengers and LvLUp Esport. The date for this last matchup is however not yet decided.