CSGO tournament Kings of Hell was a massive succes

We hosted the Kings of Hell pilot CSGO tournament on the 11th of October and we couldn’t believe what we saw. There was a massive wave of teams that wanted to participate in the CSGO tournament and even teams like Endangered eSports and Grimreaper Esports whom are well known in the amateur e-sports scene.


What a special day it was.

The 11th of October was an important day for our organisation. Our CEO “MisterNick” decided to host a pilot CSGO tournament to strengthen our organisations presence in the amateur e-sports scene. For this he used money out of his own pocket to make sure it was going to be a memorable event. This was especially important for us since our CSGO team fell apart just a few days before the tournament. You could say it was one of our last life lines.

But now on the 18th of October our e-Sports organisation is stronger then ever before. With a surge of new community members from the Kings of Hell tournament, and a few new friends, was again a chance to grow into something better and bigger. It is also because of this tournament that we have decided to host another tournament on the 25th of October to the 27th of October.


Lucifer banner linking to our csgo tournament page with all the newest upcoming e-sports tournaments

Emperors of Hell CSGO tournament

Ok, so we made a lot of beginner mistakes in the last tournament. One of these mistakes was not having a BO3 for the grand-final. Well you’ll be glad to hear this good news. We have decided to change the structure from the last tournament to the following:

  • 1st round: Single elimination (BO1)
  • Quarter-Final: Best of three
  • Semi-Final: Best of three
  • Grand-Final: Best of three

Besides changing the structure of the tournament we now also decided to increase the prize-pool from 30 to 40 euro’s. However there is also a 2,50 euro entry fee in place. We are doing this because we want to know how effective a possible CSGO league could be. Such a CSGO league would also have entry fee’s. You can signup here if you are interested.


You can read Strommiz his article about this much more on his website